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How to change DNS on Smartphones and Android Phone And Surf Faster

8:21 PM
Maybe every android smartphone still don't know how to increase browsing or surfing speed on android smartphone. You significantly can increase your browsing speed by change dns configuration on android phone. So read all this explanation below so you can fully understand how to change the DNS.
 change dns to surf faster on android phone

Change DNS Configuration on android smarphone

First I explain what is DNS: DNS, for the uninitiated, is a kind of coordinate translator internet sites, which are written in long numeric addresses (e.g. text addresses easy to remember (e.g. Read also increase internet connection on android.

Changing the DNS with faster and more efficient can help speed access to internet sites and then to improve navigation on both PC and smartphone and tablet.
surf internet faster on android phone

Now we will guide you on how to change it on Smartphones and Android tablet. First, you need to have an unlocked by Terminal root procedure in order to make this change (if you don't know how to unlock your device tries to take a look in our forums). Then you'll have to download the application Set DNS: this application allows you to change the DNS servers of the Internet connection (Wi-Fi and 3 g) by choosing from a pre-defined list and replace them with some faster and reliable, like OpenDNS and Google DNS. Then, once you download the app, start it and press the Allow button to authorise it in Super User (the system that handles the root permissions of various applications). Next, select the DNS server that you want to use on your Android device (es. OpenDNS or Google DNS) from the drop down menu located in the top left and press the Apply button to save your changes. Now, reboot your device and start navigating: you should notice a faster access to all Web sites.

Ok that's it . After read my guide on how to change dns on android phone what do you think? is not hard to do. Then after apply it you can enjoy surf faster with your android phone.

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