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How To Backup And Download Instagram Photo

9:00 PM
You maybe have already familiar with social networking that built to share photo with your colleagues. But sometimes we also want to download and backup our photos or maybe photos of our colleagues. In this article I want to share with you how to backup and download Instagram photos.
What Is Instagram? You must be familiar, Instagram is a social network to share photos initially only enjoyed by users of the iPhone can now be used by users of Android devices.
To download or backup photos from Instagram sometimes we can barely even distress, but lately some of the sites and applications provide features to download photos from Instagram, It is also easy way to do. you maybe also want to read how to install instagram on android tablet.

Download And Backup Instagram Photos

Instagram Downloader

You can use Instagram downloader application which you can download by clicking the link below, after you install it and use can them. Because it is relatively easy to do, you simply enter the username of Instagram that you want to take their photo.
Download Instagram Downloader
This is The Preview :
how to download instagram phosots


The second way to backup or download the photos from Instagram is through Copygram. The Way is easy, make sure you're logged in Instagram account, and open a new tab in your browser and type in the following url,
Then Replace username with the username you'd like to backup on Instagram. Then click the Backup Photos menu at the top navigation bar, then fill in your email address. Then click the Backup Now under. Photo files in ZIP format will be sent to the email address that you enter before.


The third way to backup or download the photos from Instagram is by using the services Instaport. You can download entire photo collection from your Instagram account into a file in ZIP format or other formats. You simply log in with your Instagram ID on that site and choose the download format. To go to instaport, go here

Video tutorial use instaport

Thats for tutorial how to backup and download instagram photos. i hope this tutorial will halep you. please comment if you want to ask some question. see you later :D

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