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Font with Indian Rupee Symbol - Download and Use Free

1:53 PM
Click here to download:
Rupee.ttf (14 KB)

Download Version 2.0

We have made the first font with support for Indian currency symbol.

How to use ?

1. Download the above attached font Rupee.ttf or the new version Rupee_Foradian.ttf

2. Install the font. (It is easy. Just copy the font and paste it in "Fonts" folder in control panel)

3. Start using it. :)

2 of 2

How to type the Rupee symbol ?

We mapped the grave acent symbol - ` (the key just above "tab" button in your keyboard) with the new Rupee symbol. Just select "Rupee" font from the drop down list of your fonts in your application and press the key just above your tab button. It will display our new rupee symbol. Try it.


The "Rupee.ttf" font is necessary to view the currency symbol. So as long as the new symbol is not encoded in to unicode font by default, we cant use the symbol universally.

UPDATE: Dont forget to checkout the RuPi Foradian font with 26 different styles for the Indian Rupee Symbol. Click here

Update - 9pm, July 16, 2010

Some people reported that they are facing a problem to select font from the drop down list of MS Office and similar applications. This is because we haven't included glyphs for letters from A to Z. We are serious about copyright issues. Most of the fonts have complex copyright terms.

We have a solution and released the version 2.0 of the Rupee font. This one contains all the glyphs(letters) and is based on BitstreamVera

Update - 11.30am, July 18th, 2010

Soumyadip is one of the first to create a font with Indian rupee symbol. Have a look at his blog post. There are many more people and companies coming with font support for Indian Rupee symbol. Go through the comments to get more info.

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