My project is named Zoom Demo, with a Build Target of Android 1.5. The Application name is also Zoom Demo, and has a package name of “com.zo...
Android Button Highlight
n this section, you will create a button with a custom image instead of text, using the Button widget and an XML file that defines three d...
Table Layout With Scrolling and Good Looking
in real time project maximum we have to use table layout , but in android table we can't see borders so we should use some other resour...
creating key store file and *.apk file
If we want to install our app in specific mobile first we need to Generate two files first one is Keystore file ( signing Application ...
How to Check our Android App in our Device
Using Hardware Devices Note: When developing on a device, keep in mind that you should still use the Android emulator to test your applica...
How to display borders in TableLayouts
According to the Android developer guide, border lines are not displayed for table layouts . However, often you will find the need to do th...
Multicolumn ListView in Android
Ever since I started programming on the Android platform, I have been wondering when the SDK would include a ready-made multicolumn ListVi...
Android Code Style Guidelines for Contributors
Code Style Guidelines for Contributors The rules below are not guidelines or recommendations, but strict rules. Contributions to Android gen...